Weir-on-the-Meadow: IMThere's Rosemary for RemembranceG_9365
Weir-on-the-Meadow: IMG_9061mod
Weir-on-the-Meadow: The Buttercup ChainIMG_9052
Weir-on-the-Meadow: The Buttercup Chain
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Under Painting for Server at Holy Angel's AlterIMG_7888
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Jacob Wrestling an AngelIMG_6512
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Jacob Wrestling an AngelIMG_6505copy
Weir-on-the-Meadow: IMG_6389 copy
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Portrait of Miriam with her Dogs
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Under Painting For Lady of Shallot
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Icon Painting in ProgressIMG_0247
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Server at All St s ChurchIMG_9_3532
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Working on Edna's Posthumous Portrait
Weir-on-the-Meadow: Portrait of Edna