Wei on the way: Amy looked so confused. lol
Wei on the way: YAH baby!
Wei on the way: poor thing..i hugged him so tight..WAHAHAHAHA
Wei on the way: me @ ocean park
Wei on the way: elegant~
Wei on the way: Amy jie, you so cute!!
Wei on the way: Kungfu panda!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wei on the way: they r sooooooooooo cute!!
Wei on the way: Kungfu panda
Wei on the way: eye contact
Wei on the way: DSC_2371
Wei on the way: Ice Age III
Wei on the way: DSC_2375
Wei on the way: Phoebe & her bf lol
Wei on the way: Amy & Phoebe
Wei on the way: DSC_2353
Wei on the way: DSC_2360
Wei on the way: DSC_2362
Wei on the way: DSC_2366
Wei on the way: DSC_2361
Wei on the way: worm worm~~~
Wei on the way: DSC_2189
Wei on the way: DSC_2187
Wei on the way: sea horse
Wei on the way: Stingray
Wei on the way: me..look so silly...in gift shop
Wei on the way: Amy jie~~ I <3 you~ wahaha
Wei on the way: Amy & Phoebe