Wei on the way: 油炸鬼!
Wei on the way: 皮蛋瘦肉粥,我中意丫!!
Wei on the way: 炸两。好好食!
Wei on the way: DSC_2131s
Wei on the way: 肥牛! me like!
Wei on the way: DSC_2138s
Wei on the way: menu on the display window. lol
Wei on the way: DSC_2119s
Wei on the way: DSC_2154s
Wei on the way: 湘菜:什么什么牛肉
Wei on the way: 湘菜:什么饼
Wei on the way: 湘菜:剁椒鱼头
Wei on the way: 香酥肉
Wei on the way: 支竹羊腩
Wei on the way: 炸馒头,我喜欢吃!
Wei on the way: my absolute fav food! 牛河
Wei on the way: 牛河again!
Wei on the way: 炒面 fried noodle~
Wei on the way: huge wok of crabs! nice light. :D
Wei on the way: DSC_2063s
Wei on the way: 干锅牛杂 at 天下第一牛
Wei on the way: I love spicy food~~ 香辣虾
Wei on the way: 凉瓜炒牛肉,真他妈的好吃!!!01
Wei on the way: 凉瓜炒牛肉,真他妈的好吃!!!02
Wei on the way: I love spicy food~~ 水煮鱼
Wei on the way: cucumber~