Wei on the way: 瞧这一大桌菜!!
Wei on the way: 卤鸡爪
Wei on the way: 猴猴实在是太伟大了!!!
Wei on the way: 烤麸,里面有黄花菜,花生米,木耳,冬菇
Wei on the way: 手撕鸡
Wei on the way: 凉拌豆腐。好吃!
Wei on the way: my gf 猴猴..工作照
Wei on the way: 砂锅炖羊肉
Wei on the way: Fiona 02
Wei on the way: Fiona 01
Wei on the way: me..in tulip field, at Keukenhof.
Wei on the way: I wanna fly~
Wei on the way: Happy birthday to Kelly, aka 猪仔.
Wei on the way: Maybe it's about time to leave...