T.Bailey: Did I mention the neighborhood squirrels?
T.Bailey: Cool old bike around the corner...
T.Bailey: Our very own reflection pool.
T.Bailey: Black 'n White Ditch
T.Bailey: Yep. Dead Fish.
T.Bailey: Huge dead fish on roadside.
T.Bailey: Flanges 1
T.Bailey: Flanges 2
T.Bailey: More ditch
T.Bailey: Collared.
T.Bailey: The Drainage Ditch
T.Bailey: Peter PlasticTail
T.Bailey: pink flowers with tree
T.Bailey: more pink flowers
T.Bailey: Maybe Geraniums?
T.Bailey: Roadside Gem
T.Bailey: What is this?
T.Bailey: Inhabited, 2011
T.Bailey: Fugly
T.Bailey: Pricks
T.Bailey: (not so) Hidden Face
T.Bailey: Water Tower 2
T.Bailey: Nederland water tower
T.Bailey: This is Red.
T.Bailey: Here's your sign.
T.Bailey: Why bother?
T.Bailey: My ride