Michael T. Morales: Summer Morning Monterey
Michael T. Morales: Dark Sunset
Michael T. Morales: 1914 Or 2014?
Michael T. Morales: LoneCypressJune265dpp
Michael T. Morales: Celery Harvest
Michael T. Morales: Golf Heaven
Michael T. Morales: Resting On the Fringe
Michael T. Morales: Pebble Bench Bench
Michael T. Morales: May15sunsetDPP
Michael T. Morales: Monterey Peninsula Country Club
Michael T. Morales: SunsetSealBeach5DPP
Michael T. Morales: DPP edited7.CR2.JPG.CR2
Michael T. Morales: Lovers Point ParkDPP5
Michael T. Morales: Celebrity Century
Michael T. Morales: CanneryRowDPP4
Michael T. Morales: Scenic Overlook
Michael T. Morales: SunsetMay94
Michael T. Morales: Inviting Bench
Michael T. Morales: Carmelite Viewpoint
Michael T. Morales: Stairs6 to DPP
Michael T. Morales: SunsetMay91
Michael T. Morales: DPPWave24JPG
Michael T. Morales: Sunset - 17 Mile Drive
Michael T. Morales: Pebble Jan23 2014
Michael T. Morales: DPPSanFranMar1
Michael T. Morales: Pebble Jan232 2014
Michael T. Morales: May5Sunset2
Michael T. Morales: Jan36Sunset