WEBmikey: Hello Grand Cayman
WEBmikey: Small beautiful island
WEBmikey: Tenders to Grand Cayman
WEBmikey: Loading up with passengers
WEBmikey: Triumph from the tender
WEBmikey: Away we go
WEBmikey: Pirate ship
WEBmikey: Heading to the island
WEBmikey: Bye bye for now
WEBmikey: Cayman resort hotels
WEBmikey: Here come the stingrays!
WEBmikey: Waiting for some company
WEBmikey: Some 5 feet wide
WEBmikey: Females swim to the surface
WEBmikey: Still more rays
WEBmikey: Chasing each other around
WEBmikey: Just like puppies!
WEBmikey: Yes, I actually swam in that crowd!
WEBmikey: Feeding squid to the rays
WEBmikey: Swimmers return to another boat
WEBmikey: Sad to see us (and the squid) go
WEBmikey: Other boat leaves
WEBmikey: A final goodbye to the rays
WEBmikey: Swimmers dry off
WEBmikey: Mikey and Nancy liked the rays
WEBmikey: Back to the island
WEBmikey: Island vegetation
WEBmikey: Nice scenery
WEBmikey: Lots of trees
WEBmikey: More of the island