jonl: Michelle Murraine and Marsha
jonl: Gordon
jonl: Gordon and Marsha at Curra's Grill
jonl: Michelle speaks
jonl: Penguins
jonl: Gunner and Michelle at Curra's Grill
jonl: Gunner and Michelle
jonl: Chris Boyd and Charles Chen
jonl: Gordon, Rich, Chris
jonl: Matt Buck and friend
jonl: Chip and Tom
jonl: Group photo
jonl: Group
jonl: Setup for group photo
jonl: Charles Chen and Clare Richardson
jonl: Michelle, Gordon, Charles
jonl: Chip, Tom, Greg, Michelle, Gordon
jonl: Michelle, Gordon, Charles, Clare
jonl: DSCN2843
jonl: David Jaymes
jonl: David Swedlow
jonl: Clare Richardson
jonl: David Bluestein
jonl: Tom Brown
jonl: Stars
jonl: Gunner
jonl: Gunner (Allen Gunn)
jonl: Gordon Montgomery
jonl: David Bluestein and Gene Crick
jonl: Michelle Murrain