ZoomLoes: The ice master
ZoomLoes: De-icing
ZoomLoes: Black Pete
ZoomLoes: Oh..oh..
ZoomLoes: Noah, The Drunken Master
ZoomLoes: Man-made forest
ZoomLoes: Always impressive
ZoomLoes: View from my bedroom window
ZoomLoes: Steenwerpen
ZoomLoes: Shoot it! or Throw it!
ZoomLoes: Purmerend under steam
ZoomLoes: Cheers!
ZoomLoes: High
ZoomLoes: Iron flower
ZoomLoes: Spring fair
ZoomLoes: Crowded
ZoomLoes: Struinen
ZoomLoes: Jog in the Fog
ZoomLoes: Locked cemetry
ZoomLoes: Lonely goalkeeper
ZoomLoes: A new wintry week
ZoomLoes: Just the two of us
ZoomLoes: A bridge too far
ZoomLoes: Snow blower
ZoomLoes: No more dreaming...
ZoomLoes: Snow fun
ZoomLoes: Houseboat
ZoomLoes: White snow/Black sheep