susan catherine: Sacred Mtn. Sanctuary- a slice of heaven
susan catherine: Sacred Mtn. Sanctuary
susan catherine: Sacred Mtn. Sanctuary
susan catherine: Sacred Mtn. Sanctuary
susan catherine: Gunung Agung
susan catherine: IMG_7866-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7870.jpg
susan catherine: little girl with chocolate on her chin
susan catherine: temple along the road
susan catherine: smells great
susan catherine: IMG_7885.jpg
susan catherine: Our Guide around the rice paddies
susan catherine: IMG_7905-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7906.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7910.jpg
susan catherine: 7912-1.jpg
susan catherine: 7915.jpg
susan catherine: 7920.jpg
susan catherine: 7921.jpg
susan catherine: 7924.jpg
susan catherine: cloves
susan catherine: school boys
susan catherine: IMG_7940-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7941-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7945.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7950-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7958-1.jpg
susan catherine: IMG_7960-1.jpg