webersaustin: Black Bear, Ursus americanus
webersaustin: Robberfly species
webersaustin: Ringtail, Bassariscus astutus
webersaustin: Sunrise from Glenn Spring Road
webersaustin: Sunrise from Glenn Spring Road
webersaustin: Glenn Springs Canyon
webersaustin: Limoncillo, Pectis angustifolia
webersaustin: Long-spined Purplish Prickly Pear
webersaustin: Durango Senna, Senna durangensis
webersaustin: Tasajillo, Cylindropuntia leptocaulis
webersaustin: Rainbow Cactus, Echinocereus dasyacanthus
webersaustin: Glenn Springs Canyon
webersaustin: Glenn Springs Canyon
webersaustin: Glenn Springs Canyon Panarama
webersaustin: Glenn Springs Canyon
webersaustin: 20151226-261A3943.jpg
webersaustin: 20151226-261A3952.jpg
webersaustin: Unidentified Grass Seed Head at Glenn Springs
webersaustin: Southern Cattail, Typha domingensis
webersaustin: Threenerve Goldenrod, Solidago velutina
webersaustin: Catchfly Prairie Gentian, Eustoma exaltatum
webersaustin: Goldenrod at Glenn Springs
webersaustin: Bushy Bluestem, Andropogon glomeratus
webersaustin: Glenn Springs
webersaustin: Glenn Springs
webersaustin: Black Bear, Ursus americanus
webersaustin: Sunset on the Road to Persimmon Gap