webcompanion: Tuna steak done just right
webcompanion: Wow what a tasty home cooked meal!
webcompanion: Cirrus shines after a wax job
webcompanion: 2000 Chrysler Cirrus, mirror finish
webcompanion: Ready to broil
webcompanion: Topping off the veggies with a little cheese before broiling
webcompanion: Micro chopper turning
webcompanion: Little skeeter overhead
webcompanion: The LED eyes of the micro chopper
webcompanion: Margaret pretends to not hear the mosquito chopper
webcompanion: Might want to buy some spare rotor blades too
webcompanion: Micro chopper in flight
webcompanion: Syma 608 micro helicopter
webcompanion: Our October themed display
webcompanion: Halloween Domo-kun
webcompanion: Tiny little video converter VGA-2000
webcompanion: VGA-2000 component to VGA converter by Hyperkin
webcompanion: Margaret whipping up a tasty dinner
webcompanion: Baby Kayla just over 9 weeks old
webcompanion: Nadine and Baby Kayla
webcompanion: Star brings slippers
webcompanion: Star the doggie happy to see us
webcompanion: Jim and Baby Kayla
webcompanion: Baby Kayla and Margaret