webcite: Alberta Legislature: awright!
webcite: IMG_7682
webcite: IMG_7690
webcite: IMG_7696
webcite: IMG_7727
webcite: IMG_7735
webcite: IMG_7737
webcite: IMG_7741
webcite: Gettin' jiggy at Taste of Edmonton
webcite: IMG_0316
webcite: IMG_0317
webcite: Thx Nanna
webcite: IMG_0323
webcite: IMG_7773
webcite: IMG_7774
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webcite: IMG_7846
webcite: Visiting Dad, Summer 2009
webcite: IMG_7858
webcite: IMG_7867
webcite: Corinne, Milo, Dad, Clio and Mom
webcite: IMG_7870
webcite: Edmonton from Sherwood Park... northern prairie dusk