Web-Betty: Happy Star Wars day! ✨
Web-Betty: May Day
Web-Betty: Bearded iris
Web-Betty: The lilacs survived
Web-Betty: 70mm
Web-Betty: 50mm
Web-Betty: 35mm
Web-Betty: 24mm
Web-Betty: This lens is grand
Web-Betty: Because I can't resist a bare bulb
Web-Betty: The best popcorn
Web-Betty: The sun came out!
Web-Betty: Feast
Web-Betty: "Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience." –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Web-Betty: 2-tone bearded iris
Web-Betty: Sharing is caring
Web-Betty: Denver Botanic Gardens
Web-Betty: Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Web-Betty: Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine
Web-Betty: These guys ❤️❤️
Web-Betty: I hate that front-facing camera, lol
Web-Betty: Juniper haircap moss
Web-Betty: Juniper haircap moss
Web-Betty: Paphiopedilum victoria-mariae (aka "lady slipper")
Web-Betty: She's come undone
Web-Betty: Beccariophoenix madagascariensis, aka windowpane palm
Web-Betty: "Colorado"
Web-Betty: Raindrops on roses (leaves)
Web-Betty: Snuggling and watching The Twilight Zone
Web-Betty: Postino