Web-Betty: 160522FJWY7513_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0772_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0774_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522_5220047_EM1
Web-Betty: 160522_5220049_EM1
Web-Betty: { The Drake }
Web-Betty: { I <3 Chicago }
Web-Betty: { I <3 Chicago }
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0777_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0779_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0780_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0782_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522_5220154_EM5
Web-Betty: 160522_5220155_EM5
Web-Betty: Outside The Drake
Web-Betty: 160522_5220158_EM5
Web-Betty: { STOP & DRINK } { Explored 6.20.16 }
Web-Betty: 160522P5220107_EM1
Web-Betty: 160522MFDY6383_EM5
Web-Betty: { urban landscape }
Web-Betty: { more bare bulbs! }
Web-Betty: 20160522-160522_5220162_EM5
Web-Betty: { tired }
Web-Betty: 20160522-160522_5220169_EM5
Web-Betty: { STOP & DRINK }
Web-Betty: Stop & Drink
Web-Betty: 160522IMG_0786_EM5
Web-Betty: Move night at Clark Street Ale House, Chicago
Web-Betty: Move night at Clark Street Ale House, Chicago
Web-Betty: Movie night at Clark Street Ale House