Web-Betty: { organ details }
Web-Betty: 140413_P4130152
Web-Betty: I love these ornate grills
Web-Betty: { music books }
Web-Betty: { beautiful music }
Web-Betty: { Gypsy House Cafe }
Web-Betty: { ghosts }
Web-Betty: { drawing room with a view }
Web-Betty: { through the veil }
Web-Betty: { mantel details }
Web-Betty: { subtle }
Web-Betty: {Tiffany-inspired stained glass window }
Web-Betty: { bathroom }
Web-Betty: { bathroom plants }
Web-Betty: { it was cold and snowy }
Web-Betty: { any surface can be a canvas }
Web-Betty: 140413_IMG_1293
Web-Betty: { Del Prado }
Web-Betty: { retro details on Capitol Hill }
Web-Betty: { Attention Dog Owners }
Web-Betty: { ghost signs and battered windows }
Web-Betty: 140413_IMG_1299
Web-Betty: 140413_IMG_1301
Web-Betty: 140413_IMG_1302