weatherills: Off for an autumn walk
weatherills: Apples
weatherills: Picking apples in G&G's backyard
weatherills: Ferry ride
weatherills: Hotel window in Vancouver
weatherills: Vancouver wedding
weatherills: Congrats DTM and Genevieve!
weatherills: Sawks and Gil
weatherills: Love syrup
weatherills: Party time!
weatherills: Changing colours
weatherills: Cam - up at the table
weatherills: Mama moose in our yard
weatherills: Baby moose in our yard
weatherills: Mama and baby
weatherills: Off they go
weatherills: All in pink
weatherills: Go Jets!
weatherills: Raking autumn leaves
weatherills: Jumping in the leaves!
weatherills: The next day!
weatherills: First snow
weatherills: Exploring in the snow
weatherills: Pumpkin cleaning
weatherills: Pumpkin carving