weatherills: S in tree
weatherills: Cam, ready for the branding
weatherills: Cowboys and Cowgirls
weatherills: Horses
weatherills: Hugh in the midst of it all
weatherills: Through the grass
weatherills: Watching
weatherills: The Branding Crew
weatherills: Susanna and Lexi
weatherills: Post branding
weatherills: The chef
weatherills: Birthday Cakes!
weatherills: Cake by the fire pit
weatherills: Happy with Dad
weatherills: Gardening with Gran
weatherills: Playing with Harry during the floods
weatherills: Washing hands
weatherills: Reunion at Clover Lodge
weatherills: Boy cousins
weatherills: All pile on Gran!
weatherills: More ball time
weatherills: Lounging on Mom
weatherills: Walking with Auntie Kristen
weatherills: Soccer with Auntie Barbara
weatherills: Cam, not happily swinging