weatherills: Newborn looking
weatherills: Two weeks
weatherills: Two weeks
weatherills: Two weeks
weatherills: Bike riding
weatherills: Stair masters!
weatherills: IMG_2256
weatherills: IMG_2257
weatherills: Cam with new BFF Ethan
weatherills: Home made didgeridoo
weatherills: Meeting Uncle Curtis
weatherills: Curty/Johnny Canuck
weatherills: Smoothie!
weatherills: Almost three weeks
weatherills: Stickers with grandmas and cousins
weatherills: Baby faces
weatherills: Baby faces (three weeks)
weatherills: After jumping in mud puddles
weatherills: Sleepy boy
weatherills: Cuddle with Gran
weatherills: IMG_2336
weatherills: Jets Jersey
weatherills: Father and Son
weatherills: Jets Family
weatherills: Cherry blossoms
weatherills: Grandpa and Cameron
weatherills: Trip to Kits Beach
weatherills: Run Susanna!
weatherills: IMG_2387
weatherills: IMG_2388