weatherills: Plane ride
weatherills: Painting the dock
weatherills: IMG_0341
weatherills: IMG_0342
weatherills: Getting into "lake mode"
weatherills: So glam!
weatherills: Party dresses on
weatherills: Pat's 85th
weatherills: Trevor and Cheryl
weatherills: HB Pat!
weatherills: Oh what a view!
weatherills: Loving the boat ride
weatherills: The girls in the big boat
weatherills: New smocks hand made by Grandma Pat
weatherills: Cole jumping in
weatherills: Rachel jumping in
weatherills: Enjoying the view with Grandma
weatherills: Cheese!
weatherills: Adventure Girl!
weatherills: IMG_0478
weatherills: Sayer windsurfing
weatherills: Swiffer sweeper
weatherills: Paddleboat
weatherills: Sarah and Suze
weatherills: R&S doing yoga