weatherills: Safety first.
weatherills: Go Canucks Go!
weatherills: Farmer Susie
weatherills: Practising for the big day.
weatherills: YVR departing for YYC
weatherills: Good morning S&S
weatherills: Good morning Gramps!
weatherills: Decorating eggs
weatherills: Motley crew out for a walk.
weatherills: Taking it all in.
weatherills: Carter getting wet and having fun!
weatherills: Gran, Susanna and wet Carter
weatherills: The Walking Crew
weatherills: Making music
weatherills: Enjoying the sunshine.
weatherills: Taking it all in.
weatherills: Ride 'im cowgirl!
weatherills: A beer in the sunshine - heaven!
weatherills: the twins
weatherills: Collecting sticks for the bon fire
weatherills: Dressed up for dinner
weatherills: Gran made a bon fire
weatherills: Making bannock
weatherills: Easter bunnies
weatherills: Ready to hunt of Easter eggs!
weatherills: Found some!
weatherills: Found some more