weatherills: Winter Weatherill pic
weatherills: Monkey Girl
weatherills: Mickey Mouse Girl
weatherills: In need of a hair cut
weatherills: Grey Cup - Rough Rider fans
weatherills: Santa! Ho ho ho no
weatherills: Decorating the tree
weatherills: Winnipeg Jets front and centre
weatherills: Danish heart going up
weatherills: Story time
weatherills: Santa visit from Gran
weatherills: Colouring
weatherills: Very focused
weatherills: Decorating - very focused
weatherills: Christmas cookies!
weatherills: Sawks and Gil
weatherills: Munk and Sweets
weatherills: Alanna and Denise
weatherills: Phil, Vivienne and Dan
weatherills: Christmas Eve
weatherills: Granny and Lauren
weatherills: The heirloom alphabet quilt fully restored
weatherills: Grandmas and S at xmas eve dinner
weatherills: Christmas Eve dinner at our house
weatherills: Christmas morning
weatherills: Testing it out.
weatherills: Santa's cookies were eaten
weatherills: Getting into the trike
weatherills: Sew scarf