weatherills: Riga town square
weatherills: Riga in the afternoon
weatherills: The famous cat in Riga
weatherills: Easter procession
weatherills: The girls in the skyline bar
weatherills: The boys in the Skyline bar
weatherills: Art Nouveau in Riga
weatherills: The 'rehabilitation centre'
weatherills: A&J and Lenin
weatherills: Jess and Lenin in the Soviet bunker
weatherills: L&J in Latvia's most Latvian town
weatherills: Tallinn roof tops
weatherills: Tallin
weatherills: Tallin after dinner
weatherills: Leah in Tallin
weatherills: Tallin's fortress walls
weatherills: Estonia
weatherills: Limestone cliffs at Paldiski, Estonia
weatherills: Former Soviet base - Estonia
weatherills: Peeling paint at Paldiski
weatherills: Frisbee in Paldiski
weatherills: John in the cold
weatherills: New toque from the Estonia market
weatherills: L&J (and A) on the Town Swing
weatherills: Jess and Leah in Tallin
weatherills: Cards and Beer
weatherills: Tallin in the sunshine
weatherills: Gulf of Riga