We are WPB: the painters add the lane markings for visibility
We are WPB: the welding was to anchor the racks into the street
We are WPB: six orange on-street racks -- open for parking!
We are WPB: the curbstop protects the on street bike spaces
We are WPB: a black bike rack was moved north to make room for the orange WPB rack too
We are WPB: installing the sidewalk rack with the on street racks in the background
We are WPB: there will be 19 more of these in WPB soon.
We are WPB: WPB Rides sidewalk bike rack installed
We are WPB: the crews re-do the center stripe of Milwaukee too..
We are WPB: the new WPB Ride racks take at least 4 bikes (3 shown here)
We are WPB: On Street Bike Parking from above
We are WPB: On Street bike parking signs are in
We are WPB: April - Nov park it
We are WPB: mid morning at the corral
We are WPB: Bike Parking Only