Wealie: Mist shrouded hill
Wealie: Petrified reaching
Wealie: Little gem hidden in the shrubbery
Wealie: In amongst the lavender
Wealie: Next generation
Wealie: A raindrop within a sphere
Wealie: Yellow poppy
Wealie: iPhone's choice
Wealie: Dusted with raindrops
Wealie: Neatly lined raindrops
Wealie: The key to dealing with stress and depression is to know when to give in and just wallow!
Wealie: Rain dropped rose
Wealie: Fancy a lick?
Wealie: Colourful wool at the 2012 #BathandWestShow
Wealie: Sunset mirror glare
Wealie: To lunch or nap, that is the question
Wealie: Road side poppies
Wealie: Misty Patches on a Wiltshire summer morning
Wealie: Exotic sphere
Wealie: At the heart of the matter
Wealie: Blooming Bonsai
Wealie: Heaven scent jasmine
Wealie: Unfolding
Wealie: Lost in the purity
Wealie: Velveteen clematis
Wealie: Just a dash of yellow
Wealie: PinkBells
Wealie: Ruby renaissance
Wealie: What a smile