Wealie: The kitties
Wealie: Grrr
Wealie: More Kittie cats
Wealie: Dave and Jenny get to grips with Stu
Wealie: Dave, Stu and Jenny
Wealie: Gang Shot
Wealie: Action Man aka DJ Rich
Wealie: Lara Croft & a Thundercat
Wealie: James and Sam
Wealie: Wonderwoman takes Kevin into custody
Wealie: Jenny & Stu
Wealie: Indy gets a hold of wonderwoman
Wealie: Two Explorers and Treasure Hunters
Wealie: Catwoman Clare
Wealie: We love you lisa and we missed you loads!
Wealie: We love you lisa and we missed you loads!
Wealie: Tigra
Wealie: Mr Incredible assaulted by Tigra
Wealie: Wonderwoman's bullet proof cuffs
Wealie: Lara and her big guns
Wealie: Lara Croft aka Jenny
Wealie: Wonderwoman to the rescue
Wealie: Ice Queen Susie
Wealie: Purrrrfect Puddy
Wealie: Clara, Nick, Natasha and Bronwen
Wealie: Stu and Nick
Wealie: Bronwen aka Cruela De Ville
Wealie: Natasha is Zorro
Wealie: Susie and Melody
Wealie: Clara