bsktmkr: Legend of the Seas bow cam approaching the canal
bsktmkr: Dec 10
bsktmkr: Crowd gathers for the canal passage
bsktmkr: Panama City
bsktmkr: Approaching the Bridge of the Americas
bsktmkr: Entering the Balboa Basin
bsktmkr: Passing under the bridge
bsktmkr: Lining up for the locks
bsktmkr: APL Egypt lining up for west lock
bsktmkr: Easing into the lock
bsktmkr: Easing her in
bsktmkr: APL Egypt stages, Legend staging
bsktmkr: Christina Kirk leaving locks, Egypt in the lock
bsktmkr: Mules waiting for the Legend
bsktmkr: Equalizing water depth in the west lock
bsktmkr: East lock doors opening for the Legend of the Seas
bsktmkr: Legend staging in first lock
bsktmkr: Egypt raised to Miraflores Lake level
bsktmkr: Upper chamber doors opening
bsktmkr: Easing in as the Egypt leaves
bsktmkr: Western lock doors closing
bsktmkr: Legend rising as the Egypt move forward
bsktmkr: Gates opening for the Legend
bsktmkr: Moving toward the Pedro Miguel Locks
bsktmkr: Breakfast passing through the Pedro Miguel Locks
bsktmkr: 24 inch clearance in the locks
bsktmkr: Leaving Lake Miraflores
bsktmkr: Legend moving out of locks into Gatun Lake
bsktmkr: Tug linking up with the Legend
bsktmkr: Container ship moving into west Pedro Miguel Lock