Bill Bowman: Lion de Compiègne
Bill Bowman: Hall of Chimeras
Bill Bowman: Creepiest chimera ever- Pelibatrog
Bill Bowman: Coolest downspout ever
Bill Bowman: Pont Alexandre III
Bill Bowman: Frog Eyes I
Bill Bowman: Jardin des Plantes 3
Bill Bowman: Jardin des Plantes 2
Bill Bowman: Jardin des Plantes 1
Bill Bowman: Yeux de grenouille 2
Bill Bowman: Notre Dame de Paris (et de Plomb)
Bill Bowman: Eye on Paris
Bill Bowman: Sacré-Cœur
Bill Bowman: Panthéon
Bill Bowman: Our in-Seine Lady
Bill Bowman: NZ Memorial- Battle of the Somme
Bill Bowman: Armistice Day/ Veterans Day