willberghoff: Queen Mary 2 Manhattan Pier November 2005
willberghoff: The Concorde Experience - Times gone by
willberghoff: Leisure at Manhattan Pier
willberghoff: The Commodore's Cufflinks
willberghoff: A rare view of Manhattan
willberghoff: Big Apple fading away...
willberghoff: Fascination on Deck 12
willberghoff: North Atlantik in November - not bad at all, if you don't have to row...
willberghoff: Tailwinds are an advantage...
willberghoff: Winds taking up now...
willberghoff: Water, water, lots of water...
willberghoff: Air 23°C, water 21°C
willberghoff: Challenging perspective - who didn't do this photo?
willberghoff: Defintely ;-)
willberghoff: Endless seas - endless ship
willberghoff: Queens Grill
willberghoff: North Atlantic - watervariations never bore
willberghoff: Mountains of water
willberghoff: Sea looks so calm - but take a close look
willberghoff: not needed, but good to know it's there
willberghoff: a little rain didn't spoil the day
willberghoff: finally the last sunset of the famous Transatlatic Crossing
willberghoff: Tomorrow we'll be home...
willberghoff: All clear, Capt'n!
willberghoff: The Lookout - we'll be back in 3 years!