Wayne State University: James A. Anderson ’66 BSCE, ’70 MSCE and Patricia Anderson with President Wilson, after announcing their $25 million gift to the College of Engineering
Wayne State University: Legal Advocacy for People with Cancer Clinic
Wayne State University: Student dancers from the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance perform during The Premiere
Wayne State University: Detroit’s acclaimed Selected of God choir performs at The Gala dinner
Wayne State University: Dr. Moriah Thomason speaks during campaign launch
Wayne State University: Psychology student Nick Rivera shares his pivotal moment during The Premiere
Wayne State University: President M. Roy Wilson speaks during Pivotal Moments campaign launch
Wayne State University: Wayne State Baseball Showcase
Wayne State University: President Wilson celebrates with students at a campaign kickoff street fair
Wayne State University: A student wears her Pivotal Moments t-shirt during the student celebration on campaign launch day