Wayfaring Wanderer:
My favorite Balloon
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Deep Fried Snickers
Wayfaring Wanderer:
All Burn
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Meat on a Stick Guys
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Backlit Balloon
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Cheesecake dipped in Chocolate
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Food Vendor
Wayfaring Wanderer:
So many choices!?
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Up, up, and away
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Pretty Yellow Balloons
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Left behind
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Down Balloon
Wayfaring Wanderer:
The ones that didn't make it
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Finally up in the air
Wayfaring Wanderer:
Balloon Glow