WAXieWicked: happy birthday
WAXieWicked: tonight we ate fish
WAXieWicked: Aloha Hawaii
WAXieWicked: Je fais des gateax, et leur fair des photos
WAXieWicked: cream or sugar
WAXieWicked: eggs from mom's house
WAXieWicked: frozen drops
WAXieWicked: ...with tomato
WAXieWicked: gazpacho & shrimps
WAXieWicked: tiny snail in TX where everything is BIG
WAXieWicked: scallion
WAXieWicked: He gave me this rose, then cut out my heart
WAXieWicked: The onions are done!
WAXieWicked: Onion Story
WAXieWicked: lunch II
WAXieWicked: and you know what these are.
WAXieWicked: patience
WAXieWicked: chocolate
WAXieWicked: TREATS!!!
WAXieWicked: TREATS!!
WAXieWicked: flower900
WAXieWicked: Lobster
WAXieWicked: lunch @ my house
WAXieWicked: baking