The Waxhead: Greenshank-Common
The Waxhead: Drongo-Greater racket tailed#1
The Waxhead: Waterhen-White breasted#3
The Waxhead: Bulbul-Yellow vented#1
The Waxhead: Myna-Hill#1
The Waxhead: Pigeon-Pink necked green#2
The Waxhead: Kingfisher-Stork billed#3
The Waxhead: Bittern-Black#1
The Waxhead: Bulbul-Yellow vented#2
The Waxhead: Flameback-Black rumped#1
The Waxhead: Drongo-Greater racket tailed (and flameback)
The Waxhead: Oriole-Black naped#1
The Waxhead: Hornbill-oriental pied#1
The Waxhead: Heron-Purple#2
The Waxhead: Robin-Oriental magpie
The Waxhead: Flycatcher-Asian Brownn#2
The Waxhead: Heron-Grey#1
The Waxhead: Redshank-Common#2
The Waxhead: Egret-Little
The Waxhead: Sandpiper-Sharp-tailed#1
The Waxhead: Whimbrel#2
The Waxhead: Parakeet-Long-tailed
The Waxhead: Bittern-Black#3
The Waxhead: Sunbird-Crimson#1
The Waxhead: Sunbird-Olive backed male#1
The Waxhead: Sunbird-Olive backed female#2
The Waxhead: Woodpecker-Banded#1
The Waxhead: Sunbird-Olive backed male#3
The Waxhead: Cuckoo-Drongo#2
The Waxhead: Dollarbird