randyreyes__: 7/2/12 Salt Creek
randyreyes__: GOPR0102
randyreyes__: GOPR0104
randyreyes__: 7/21/12 Newport AM
randyreyes__: Screen Shot 2012-08-17 at 11.13.35 AM
randyreyes__: Sunrise Barrel
randyreyes__: Welcome to Disneyland
randyreyes__: Haunted Mansion
randyreyes__: GOPR0602
randyreyes__: Screen Shot 2013-05-04 at 4.25.52 PM
randyreyes__: Screen Shot 2013-05-27 at 10.17.06 AM
randyreyes__: 2013-06-21
randyreyes__: 7/2/2013 7:09pm
randyreyes__: Gopro Still shot
randyreyes__: Pause for a shot!
randyreyes__: Thrust from the rear
randyreyes__: Lake Mohave!
randyreyes__: BarrelRandy
randyreyes__: goproElmoro