sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: declining thistle, kitchen counter
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: wet leaves on the ground
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: leaf web 4x4 pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Haymarket Station pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: battery march? pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: view from cab window - 4x4
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: icy window sunrise - pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: icy window sunrise - pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: hydrangea in hurricane lamp - pattern
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: grey and brown at sunset
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: grey and brown at sunset
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: for the love of grey and brown
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: for the love of grey and brown
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: for the love of grey and brown