waterlilysage: I just kicked over the pins.
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: ignoring the neighborhood ghouls, wondering why these pipes bend.
waterlilysage: yeah Barry!
waterlilysage: requisite photo of concrete. even in Kansas.
waterlilysage: hunkering in with fan favorites and movies. Grateful for the bounty.
waterlilysage: precious.
waterlilysage: ...salad dressing made with mineral oil...?
waterlilysage: strange medicine. my paternal grandmother had Parkinson's, suffered from depression I think, and apparently was allergic to a whole roster of foods, or at least so said one doc in 1947. The only one of these o remember being aware of was the lettuce and a
waterlilysage: note names of meals. This terminology made an impression on me on our weekly pilgrimage to Kansas to see family: all the great aunts called lunch dinner. Big meal in the middle of the day, yo.
waterlilysage: good grief.
waterlilysage: perusing my great aunt bertha's notebook of recipes, family history, and household tips.
waterlilysage: "Mr. Geronimo thought Alexandra Fariña's use of pseudonyms and foreign languages indicated an uncertainty about the self."
waterlilysage: things are looking up.
waterlilysage: Flight cancelled. Pulling day out of toilet part 3: watching return of the Jedi with snacks.
waterlilysage: flight cancelled. Pulling the day out of the toilet part 1: lunch.
waterlilysage: it's December 26.
waterlilysage: Greta and I are here to tell you that the "chimney" scented marker smells as terrible as you might imagine.
waterlilysage: just a normal Christmas Day over here, doing a little garden clean-up.
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: stuck.
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: this one. again.
waterlilysage: post yoga-meditation, food-meditation. Greta sez my breakfasts are alright. And then asked for half.
waterlilysage: still producing. Bonkers December day.
waterlilysage: therapy dogs at the library today. they're rolling around, the undergrads are rolling around, it's very sweet.
waterlilysage: upload
waterlilysage: upload