waterfireprov: Brazier Society
waterfireprov: Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial
waterfireprov: Basin Lit
waterfireprov: WaterFire Volunteers
waterfireprov: City of Providence Mayor Elorza takes part in the August 29, 2015 WaterFire Lighting Ceremony as a guest lighter
waterfireprov: Basin Audience
waterfireprov: The Basin
waterfireprov: Basin Audience
waterfireprov: Fire Dancer Spogga
waterfireprov: Torchbearers
waterfireprov: Tango Dancers
waterfireprov: WaterFire Volunteers
waterfireprov: Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial
waterfireprov: Tango Dancers
waterfireprov: Mini Merchandise Stand
waterfireprov: Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial
waterfireprov: Wall Braziers
waterfireprov: Lit Braziers
waterfireprov: Tango Dancers
waterfireprov: Fire Dancer Andrew Lindsay
waterfireprov: Fire Dancer Andrew Lindsay
waterfireprov: Tango Dancers