Weir_r / (Robert): You looking at me...who the twit twoo
Weir_r / (Robert): Splash down
Weir_r / (Robert): Safe Landing
Weir_r / (Robert): Nesting Swan
Weir_r / (Robert): The Heron (Blue I think)
Weir_r / (Robert): harris hawk
Weir_r / (Robert): I have my eye on you
Weir_r / (Robert): Lanark swan
Weir_r / (Robert): Splash Down
Weir_r / (Robert): garden visitor
Weir_r / (Robert): Sleeping Beauty
Weir_r / (Robert): The Blue Heron
Weir_r / (Robert): Big Bird (nothing to do with sesame street)
Weir_r / (Robert): Brrrrrr what happened to the water
Weir_r / (Robert): Two's company three is a crowd
Weir_r / (Robert): Reflection in the Sunset
Weir_r / (Robert): Did I say you could take my Picture
Weir_r / (Robert): Don't lose your head (a seagulls philosphy)
Weir_r / (Robert): Feeding Freenzy
Weir_r / (Robert): Bury your head in the >>>>>>>>
Weir_r / (Robert): One down one almost there