water.alternatives: Demonstration against the 'Transposiçao' project, Brazil
water.alternatives: Announcement from Irrigation department in Indonesia
water.alternatives: Sheikh Ibrahim Water User Association, Egypt
water.alternatives: Focus group discussion, Nubaria, Egypt
water.alternatives: Field interview, Egypt
water.alternatives: Field interview, Egypt
water.alternatives: Field interview, Egypt
water.alternatives: Large dug well for irrigation, Kairouan Plain, Tunisia
water.alternatives: Irrigators community of Santa Fe, Granada, Spain
water.alternatives: Protests against motorway destroying market garden in Valencia
water.alternatives: Valencia historical water court
water.alternatives: Collective monitoring of groundwater levels, AP, India
water.alternatives: Groundwater balance - poster for public awareness, AP, India
water.alternatives: Field surveys, Diatal, Podor, Senegal
water.alternatives: No to dams! protest sign, Patricia Pilar, Los Ríos, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Field survey, Morocco
water.alternatives: Field interview, Marrakech
water.alternatives: General assembly of irrigators' community, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Communal irrigation and people complaining, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Discussion around water sharing agreements, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Participatory assessment of an irrigation system, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Participatory decision on construction of irrigation structure, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Water day in Ecuador
water.alternatives: Houses on stilts under destruction, Bangkok
water.alternatives: Slums and hotels along the Chao Phraya, Bangkok
water.alternatives: Collective maintenance of community managed irrigation canal, Chimborazo, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Community measuring water flows near Tixán, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Guarding the intake of community irrigation system, Chimborazo, Ecuador
water.alternatives: Indigenous mobilization for a just water law, Latacunga, Ecuador (1)
water.alternatives: Indigenous mobilization for a just water law, Latacunga, Ecuador (2)