water.alternatives: Degraded irrigation canal, Syria
water.alternatives: Baffle distributors in Haouz scheme, Marrakech, Morocco
water.alternatives: Canal crossing a drain, Marrakech
water.alternatives: Duck-billed' (long-crested) weir, Morocco
water.alternatives: Ducked-billed weir in Tadla scheme, Morocco
water.alternatives: Tertiary canal and baffle distributors in Tadla scheme, Morocco
water.alternatives: Lateral canal inlet in the Krishna River delta, India
water.alternatives: Sluice gates, Sri Lanka
water.alternatives: Anicut, South India
water.alternatives: Pipes siphoning water at the end of the King Abdullah Canal
water.alternatives: Pipes siphoning water from King Abdullah Canal
water.alternatives: Downstream of head pumping station in Tiba area, New Lands, Egypt
water.alternatives: Pumping station on Nasr Canal, Nubaria, Nile Delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Aqueduct for a canal crossing a drain, Egypt
water.alternatives: Floating elements to prevent garbage to reach regulator, Nile Delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Canal tail end spillway, Nubaria, Egypt
water.alternatives: Canal dredging in the Nile Delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Regulator in secondary canal, Egypt
water.alternatives: Lined secondary canal in Egypt
water.alternatives: Farmers building an obstacle to keep water, Nile Delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Damaged embankments of a lined canal
water.alternatives: Sliding of embankment
water.alternatives: Burried pipe leak, Nile Delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Lined quaternary canal
water.alternatives: AVIS gate and its protection
water.alternatives: Siphons on El Bustan canal
water.alternatives: Siphons on El Bustan canal, Nile delta, Egypt
water.alternatives: Dredging of waterways, Thailand
water.alternatives: Manual dredging of an irrigation canal, Thailand
water.alternatives: Damaged lined irrigation canal, Thailand