water-fall: along the trail
water-fall: White Bog Orchid
water-fall: Bunchberry
water-fall: Queen's Cup
water-fall: Green Flowered Bog Orchid
water-fall: Platanthera hyperborea
water-fall: Thimbleberry
water-fall: Pink Wintergreen
water-fall: Utah Honeysuckle
water-fall: Twinflower
water-fall: Eye Level Lily
water-fall: Spotted Coralroot
water-fall: Western Tiger Swallowtail
water-fall: Bracken
water-fall: Red Cedar
water-fall: Canopy
water-fall: Rabbit Wall
water-fall: Dave on Fields of Clover
water-fall: Sparkley Rock
water-fall: Lime Dust
water-fall: is Hamish easily distracted?
water-fall: Oh what sweet lines you have
water-fall: moss and ferns
water-fall: Syncline vs. Anticline
water-fall: movin up Raptor
water-fall: Dave on Raptor Wall
water-fall: Raptor Wall
water-fall: Mt. Begbie through the trees
water-fall: Hemlock
water-fall: Forest Floor