water-fall: sunrise feb 14 08
water-fall: start of the day
water-fall: it keeps snowing
water-fall: Loki's View
water-fall: Gold in them there hills
water-fall: Sunset over Red
water-fall: Sunset
water-fall: Sunrise
water-fall: pale dawn
water-fall: The King watches the snow melt
water-fall: snow for Easter
water-fall: sunny today
water-fall: November Morning
water-fall: cold outside
water-fall: I should go out and shovel the walk
water-fall: early March snowstorm
water-fall: ....signs of spring?
water-fall: cold November sunrise
water-fall: January Sunrise
water-fall: January Sunrise
water-fall: January 29th sunrise
water-fall: sleeping beside the crabapple tree
water-fall: July 15th sunrise
water-fall: July 16th sunrise