watchtheguild: Codex and Bladezz Run Lines
watchtheguild: Waiting to Shoot in Alley
watchtheguild: Tink and Codex run lines
watchtheguild: Cast in Alley
watchtheguild: Viji and Greg, the Director
watchtheguild: Relaxing Between Takes
watchtheguild: Cast Posing Again
watchtheguild: Shooting Episode 10
watchtheguild: Tink and Vork
watchtheguild: Vork and Zaboo's Mom
watchtheguild: Greg and John, DP
watchtheguild: Cast Relaxing
watchtheguild: Clara and Tink
watchtheguild: Vork and Zaboo
watchtheguild: Tink and Clara
watchtheguild: Guild Hearthing
watchtheguild: Cast with SXSW Award
watchtheguild: Tink and Clara with Award
watchtheguild: Tink and Clara