Watcher/124: Objektiv-Test-Ente
Watcher/124: Treppe zum Rhein
Watcher/124: hello :)
Watcher/124: so it is
Watcher/124: Salzgras
Watcher/124: bank am bahnhof
Watcher/124: bicycle and people
Watcher/124: walk black on white
Watcher/124: Fear and Loathing in BS (y.a.(m.)f.)
Watcher/124: Just a face-detection-test :-)
Watcher/124: sunny sunday afternoon blues
Watcher/124: Fredi Feldmaus futterte fröhlich Pilze #005
Watcher/124: city rose
Watcher/124: Kornblumen
Watcher/124: wassup ?
Watcher/124: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Watcher/124: old fishing boat
Watcher/124: sunday afternoon chill
Watcher/124: d-marker
Watcher/124: Chinese lanterns
Watcher/124: at yoko's #004