massimo gnocchi: A London by night
massimo gnocchi: Against the sky
massimo gnocchi: The place where I sang a song
massimo gnocchi: Yep, a stupid butterfly
massimo gnocchi: The winter that warms me up
massimo gnocchi: After the rain
massimo gnocchi: Calatrava's shock
massimo gnocchi: This world is rotten
massimo gnocchi: Stupid cherry flowers
massimo gnocchi: Highrise frenzy
massimo gnocchi: The disturbing silence
massimo gnocchi: Full atmosphere
massimo gnocchi: Empire Godlike Building
massimo gnocchi: Getting used of being lost
massimo gnocchi: Man at work, New York
massimo gnocchi: New York night time
massimo gnocchi: Thoughtless friday
massimo gnocchi: Why do stars fall down from the sky, everytime you are by?
massimo gnocchi: Being a good photographer doesn't mean you have a heart
massimo gnocchi: Where are the ghosts going?
massimo gnocchi: All the things, at their place
massimo gnocchi: The Professor of Architecture
massimo gnocchi: L'uomo delle sigarette
massimo gnocchi: Haze, charming, unreal
massimo gnocchi: L'appoggio di fortuna
massimo gnocchi: Eternalizing a moment