Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Cowiche Mill Fire - Defensible Space at its Finest
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Fire 2010
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Fire 2010
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Fire 2010
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Fire 2010
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Fire 2010
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Before & After Defensible Space
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Nahahum Canyon Road Def Space-comp
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Firewise Photo
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
Why defensible space is important
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
House saved by defensible space at the Chelan Butte Fire
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
House saved by defensible space at the Chelan Butte Fire
Washington State Department of Natural Resources:
House saved by defensible space at the Chelan Butte Fire