Fotolog in ruste: LEGO spacemen!
Fotolog in ruste: Jackie Chan
Fotolog in ruste: The Legendary Bruce Lee
Fotolog in ruste: My updated Lego minifig collection
Fotolog in ruste: A lot of Lego!
Fotolog in ruste: Mickey Mouse wants to get some
Fotolog in ruste: "Dude! Don't just stand there, give me a hand!"
Fotolog in ruste: Custom Lego stamp
Fotolog in ruste: The not so happy cowboy
Fotolog in ruste: Minifig Collection on the wall (phase 2)
Fotolog in ruste: Minifig Collection on the wall (phase 1)
Fotolog in ruste: Albert Einstein LEGO minifig
Fotolog in ruste: Encounter with Darth Vader (4)
Fotolog in ruste: Encounter with Darth Vader (3)
Fotolog in ruste: Encounter with Darth Vader (2)
Fotolog in ruste: Encounter with Darth Vader (1)
Fotolog in ruste: Mini Wall-E
Fotolog in ruste: All LEGO Batman Minifigs Poster
Fotolog in ruste: First Contact
Fotolog in ruste: The speared dude in control
Fotolog in ruste: Minifig vs. Wuppie (1)
Fotolog in ruste: Minifig vs. Wuppie (2)
Fotolog in ruste: Minifig vs. Wuppie (3)
Fotolog in ruste: So how many keys can you carry, huh?!
Fotolog in ruste: Minifigs discover the web
Fotolog in ruste: Senseless violence by The Joker
Fotolog in ruste: Catwoman hideout
Fotolog in ruste: LEGO Michael Jackson Moonwalk Minifig