wassock: Early start
wassock: Panorama from Grisedale Pike
wassock: Whiteside (= first ever Wainwright for me) from Sand Hill
wassock: Looking back down Coledale to the Vale of Keswick
wassock: Buttermere, Haystacks, Gable and the Scafells from Grasmoor.
wassock: Crummock Water and Grasmere
wassock: Home Sweet Home for two nights @YHAOfficial Buttermere
wassock: Haystacks + Sheep
wassock: Fleetwith Pike across Buttermere
wassock: Buttermere
wassock: The descent that had us breaking out the NSAIDs
wassock: Motley Crew
wassock: Heading back down after great walk along the High Stile ridge. Finally did Haystacks too. (Tick!)
wassock: Looking back at Haystacks