wassock: Baby geese
wassock: Fountains Abbey
wassock: Dom bouncing on me in the temple of fame
wassock: Dom
wassock: As taken by Dom
wassock: Octagon tower
wassock: Health and safety nonsense?
wassock: Not happy about the absence of stepping stones
wassock: Family (silver) portrait
wassock: Smiler
wassock: Tilly and Helen
wassock: Tilly
wassock: Blue sky
wassock: Like a footballer coming off at half-time
wassock: Jo and Tilly
wassock: All smiles
wassock: Sneaky shoulders
wassock: Loving the rocks
wassock: Dom's hiding place
wassock: Resting
wassock: Brimham Rocks
wassock: Jobley carrying Tilly
wassock: Sleeping beauty
wassock: Geese and goslings
wassock: Cheers!
wassock: Camp wassock
wassock: Wheeee!
wassock: Don't spare the (wooden) horse
wassock: Big kid
wassock: Chillin'