Dorchester - Day 2 - Started painting all the areas that need to be blue... this is the third 'panel'
Dorchester - Day 2 - Started painting all the areas that need to be blue. This is the 5th panel, and a view back along the corridor...
Day 3 - Dorchester Primary School - Painting in the texture and the backgrounds to the 2nd and 4th panel... and also beginning the greeeen.
Day 3 - Dorchester Primary School -Painting in the texture and the backgrounds to the 2nd and 4th panel... and also beginning the greeeen.
Day 3 - Dorchester Primary School -Painting in the texture and the backgrounds to the 2nd and 4th panel... and also beginning the greeeen.
The children have a presentation board with some of their ideas on there too! So lovely. Feel very proud indeed.
Primary School - Before I started the mural I gave a talk on what we were planning etc......
Dorchester Primary School - these pics are from earlier in the week that someone else took - so here they are.. this was probably about day 4.